The Silhouette 2021.5 update introduces a new four-way color correction interface with controls for shadows, midtones, highlights and the entire image.
Users also get 89 color correction presets “from Oscar-nominated movies.
In addition, the Math Composite node in Silhouette now supports 22 overlay modes.
The list should be familiar to users of other image editing and compositing applications, and includes Multiply, Brighten, Darken, Hue, Saturation, and several other modes.
There have also been a number of improvements to the painting workflow shown in the video above (2:20), including a new interface design for managing brush presets.
Silhouette 2021.5 is available for Windows 7 and later, Linux and macOS 10.12 and later. The new perpetual license for the standalone version and plug-in is priced at $1,795, and the cost per plug-in is $995.